It’s Easy To Avoid This HUGE Marketing Mistake

Hi, David here.

I know it’s been a while, but I wanted to get back in touch with you.

And I’ve got a question for you:

Do you know what’s one of the biggest sales-killing mistakes marketers make?

It is…

Assuming everyone in their market is “just like me.”

This can really hurt your sales.

Most people—not just marketers—are surrounding themselves with people who have mostly the same beliefs, interests, and preferences as they do.

This habit creates a kind of tunnel vision called “the echo chamber effect.”

And these days, it’s everywhere.


We join communities that support our ideas.

We trust only the media which is aligned with our views.

And we try to block out people who could challenge the “truth” (as we see it).

That’s just how it is.

For anyone doing marketing, you need to mentally “step out” of your own echo chamber, and “step into” the mindset (echo chamber) of your market.

A couple examples show you why “echo chamber awareness” matters so much:

Example 1: A lot of people in the survivalist market don’t trust big corporations and the government.

Let’s say you’re trying to sell a water purification system to this market.

You might be very focused on your superior tech, and emphasize that.

What’s the problem with that?

The problem is you’re ASSUMING what’s most important to these people is the superiority of your technology.

Big mistake.

Because, for them, what’s far more important is INDEPENDENCE your product helps them achieve.

Independence from the government.

Independence from large corporations.

Independence from everything that’s “mainstream,” as they define it.

So in your copy, you want to lead with something that speaks to their deeply held values.

You could start with a story highlighting how your system helps to maintain their self-sufficiency…

… and confirms their freedom every time they drink a glass of water.

Example 2: You’re targeting folks who feel strongly about supporting local farmers and eating sustainably grown fruits and vegetables.

Say you want to sell them a subscription box with organic, locally-sourced food.

If your market is very anti-Big Food, your best pitch would NOT start with:

How cool it is to discover new flavors every month.

Or the benefits of eating healthy.

Or skipping long lines at the store.

You’ll reach them much more where they live by starting out with:

“When you choose this subscription box, you’re not just feeding yourself.

“You’re also standing up for family farms.

“It’s like bringing the farmers’ market right to your doorstep with every delivery.

“Best of all, you’ll know you’re doing your part to support a greener, cleaner planet.”

So let’s talk about the most effective way to walk out of your echo chamber and step into your prospect’s?

One word – research.

And the more immersive the better.

At the most basic level you can do:

  • Conduct market research or surveys
  • Analyze customer feedback and reviews
  • Engage with customers on social media or online forums
  • Create detailed buyer personas based on customer data and insights

But ideally, to fully immerse yourself in their echo chamber, you should become a typical representative of your target market:

  • Read the same books your prospects are reading, watch the same movies and documentaries, and hang out on the same forums and Facebook groups they do.
  • Attend events, conferences, or meetups that are popular among your target audience to gain insights into their interests, concerns, and preferences.
  • Do in-depth interviews with representative customers to understand their perspectives, motivations, and decision-making processes.
  • Analyze the language, tone, and messaging used by your competitors or other brands that successfully connect with your target audience.

Becoming a part of the audience you’re selling to is the most effective way to understand what makes them tick. The more time you spend in their echo chamber the better you’ll be able to sell to them.

If you liked this email, consider following me on LinkedIn where I publish new educational posts most days of the week. You can follow me here.


David Garfinkel

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